LinkedIn Networking – The Dos and Don’ts

Social recruiting is on the rise, and your online profile says a lot about you and your professional image. Using an inappropriate profile picture or to many “!!!” can be a turn-off to anyone visiting your profile.

The list below outlines some of the deal breakers and major faux pas on LinkedIn:

1.      Don’t collect acquaintances:It’s about the quality of interactions, not quantity.

2.      Choose your groups carefully:Only choose groups that really correspond with your interests.

3.      Don’t be afraid to reach out to recruiters:Only reach out in a meaningful way. Sending a generic message will only leave a bad impression.

4.      Take it slow:Take the time to build your relationships slowly, to allow contacts to gain confidence in you and your professionalism.

5.      Don’t forget about privacy settings:Check your settings, and tick off any notification options you don’t want to be visible.

6.      Always stay active:Every post and share is creating your digital footprint, so make sure it’s consistent.

7.      Don’t worry about being perceived as a stalker:Everyone knows about LinkedIn showing profile views – it’s expected, and no one considers it annoying.

8.      Do have a profile photo:Make sure you have a professional photo, and it shows only you.

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